21 Day Fix

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

21 Day Fix to 10 Minute Trainer

So I haven't been checking in as often... Due to a great new job. 

The Good: it's a fantastic place to work with an amazing group of people.  I walk over 30 minutes a day to get to and from the office (not including the 1 hour transit via public transportation) 
The Bad:  due to the distance, I'm up early and in bed early.  Finding 30-35 minutes to sneak a workout in during the weekdays between traveling, household chores, cooking, and chasing after the little guy-  it's almost impossible. 

Another bonus is my manager is also doing the 21 Day fix, and I'm her "side coach" ☺️

I still do my workouts on weekends, but I needed something that suits my weekdays for my fitness. 

So I ordered the 10 Minute Trainer.  I also ordered sample sizes of Shakeology - I want to do the shakes, but I really don't know if it will flare up my IBS - so the samples are a gret way to try them before I decide to purchase a full months supply. 

I'm going to focus on my 21 Day Fix eating and use the 10 Minute Trainer as my weekday fitness.  

I've started a new blog called 10 Minute Trainer With Coach Tammy - please feel free to follow my progress and leave any comments.  

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Newest photos

Just updating with my most recent photos. 

My legs/ankles are swollen today for some reason (mystery kidney problems). But here goes...

16 lbs down 
17 inches down 

Friday, October 3, 2014

New job and another pound down!

After a few rounds of interviews, I recieved offers from two very great companies. 

Although I would have loved to have taken both (I'm unable to clone myself) I took the most obvious one with the higher compensation. 

The place has a free gym, a beautiful pond garden atrium and the most fantastic group of people.  It takes just over an hour to get there, including a good 10 minute uphill walk. 

My manager is an amazing and super sweet lady that also has a toddler at home and doing the 21 Day  Fix - I found this out when she brought me for lunch on my first day and we both ordered a salad. 

I've signed up for the gym and will be going every Tuesday and Thursday during my lunch breaks. Then continue my workouts at home on the off days.  

On a good note - I'm another pound down :D 

I put on my new work clothes on Wednesday and almost lost my pants!! Kind of a shame after just buying them, but thankfully I got the kind with belt loops Phew!  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

21 Day Fix -Round 2!

After about a month off from exercising due to slight surgical complications and recouping  from infection - I started up again Monday. 

I continued to eat healthy during my down time, throwing in treats from time to time (so so important to eat a treat now and then and NOT feel guilty!)

My new favorite snack is Sunflower Seeds.  My old self would demolish a bag of chips in 2 minutes flat!  With the seeds, I'm able to get the salty taste when I crave it - but takes much more time to eat!  One 1/3 cup of seeds (in shell) equals about half an orange container and lasts me about 20 minutes worth of nibbling (great for my down time watching an episode of Star Trek on netflix) 

On Sunday my weight was at 222 lbs (yay me). I snuck a peek this morning and am at 219 lbs.  - so exciting to break the 220!  

Another thing I wanted to brag about was my newest purchase!  I picked up a Yonanas machine from Superstore last weekend.  If you don't know what it is, check it out on Google. 

Best investment ever!  I'm crazy for ice cream, but it isn't crazy for me.  With the Yonanas, you can make creamy icecream with just plain frozen bananas!  You can add other fruits, or even create your own banana free sorbets!  No added sugar, no added fats - just fruit!  

This works amazingly well with the purple containers. 

I froze 6 bananas and a couple handfuls of sliced strawberries and made a big batch so I could freeze the rest.  Delicious!  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Overall Results


As promised, here are all of my stats

Day 1 
Total inches = 217.5   
Weight = 234 lbs 
Blood Pressure= 135/90

Day 21 
Total inches = 204
Weight = 224 lbs
Blood Pressure = 118/66

Total results
Total inches lost = 13.5 inches
Total weight lost = 10 lbs
Given the thumbs up to stop Blood Pressure meds :)

(Blue Shorts - Day 1, Black bathing suit bottom - Day 21) 

I don't see a lot of differences, but I feel it in my clothing big time :) 

What I have noticed is that I have lost a lot of inches in areas that aren't measured (bust, arms closer to elbows, lower legs closer to knees, calves).   I'm pleased to see that I lost a lot of my "elbow fat" - what I was most self conscious about.  I also no longer look pregnant.   My rear no longer looks square like Spongebob Squarepants'.   

My skin is starting to hang around my knees now - looks a little funky but nothing you can do about it lol. 

The curvature of my spine is more prominent, but good chance that will even out more when I lose more weight.  

I'll see if I can get hubby to take better after pictures when he gets up.  

I noticed a lot of my progress slowed down big time after I quit smoking on Monday (6 days ago).  Even though I didn't eat anymore, I think the nicotine making it's way out of my system has slowed down my metabolism.  No biggie - as long as I continue to live a healthy lifestyle, it will pick up again in time.  I'm going to fight it from making me gain weight! 

I have been asked by many sources to become a coach for Beachbody.  I believe I will!   If you are interested in my coaching you, please shoot me a comment! 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 21

I did it :D 

I never figured I would be able to do this when I first got my package - but it's truly easier than you think :)

Also going onto Day 6 smoke free, and stopping hormones as I am going in on Monday to get my tubes tied (I'm 34 and have three children ages 16 to 3... I'm done! Lol).  

As a treat to myself - I went to Pennington's and got myself three new outfits for work interviews and a new job that hopefully springs up :) 

I'm happy to say that I have gone from a 22-20 (depending on brand/cut) to size 18-16 pantsize and size 18 to size 14 in tops.   

Thanks mom for the Gift Certificate!  It was a bonus that all the items I wanted were 60% off the sale price!! 

I look forward to one day being able to buy clothing from normal stores :) 

I have learned in these past three weeks exactly the portion sizes I should be eating. I got out of the habit of using the containers as I knew how much to serve myself.  Every once in a while I would use the containers to verify - and never went over; if anything I was under. 

I found the workouts challenging. Since I'm a big girl - I started out following Kat (the modifier), but was able to pick up the pace in most of the exercises.   

I'm going to continue following the 21 day fix guidelines and workouts (obviously taking a week off to recover from my procedure). The containers will be great for lunches when I get a new job - I was laid off in May and have been working on my health before getting a new position.  My benefits end in October so need to find something by then.  

Hopefully by then I'll be able to try the Shakeology drinks - would be great for on the go breakfast! 

To Autumn Calabrese - you are amazing girl thank you!!! I love your energy and your positive outlook 

Will post my before/after pictures and measurements in the morning :) 

Days 19 and 20

Yes I'm getting terrible at updating this lol. Been so busy.  
I feel guilty for not doing the hard workouts daily - but doctors orders are more important. 

Also prepping for surgery on Monday ( a Tubal Ligation meaning I will have to put exercising mid and lower body on hold for about a week until I've healed enough to do it comfortably)

Although my doctor said to go easy on the high impact exercises, I am finding myself wanting to do more, so have been using my resistance bands to exercise on low impact while resting and watching TV.  I'm not bouncing around but am still working on my muscles and building up some heat. 

I am also happy to announce that I am Day 5 on being nicotine free.  I'm always hungry so I have been chewing on sugar free gum.  My weight loss has kind of ground to a halt, but after speaking to my doctor this is completely normal (smoking messes with your thyroid which is in charge of your metabolism).  Most importantly is that I'm still eating healthy and getting in my fitness. 

Since I have discontinued my birth control pill, my body will be doing some funky things over the next few months until my body rids itself of the synthetic hormones I've been feeding it for years - one of which will probably drop my insatiable hunger (nasty side effect of birth control hormones that tend to make women gain weight) 

Lunch today was fantastic and Suprisingly tasty! 

2 green containers of lettuce (used romaine)
1 green container of sliced tomatoes, shredded carrots, cucumber and radish
1/2 red container of tuna (drain water)
1/2 red container of cottage cheese
1/2 blue container of motzarella (optional)
1 tsp olive oil
Fresh Lemon Juice to taste

No dressing needed.  Stir enough so the tuna flakes and cottage cheese stick to veggies.  Sprinkle cheese and squeeze lemon over top. 

Delicious and filling :)